Spanish Horse Sales Project

01. Project idea

Spanish horse sale design concept

The customer has already used the website, which by that time was out of date in terms of design, did not have a selling structure and a mobile version.

We agreed on a new idea, which included:

  • Create a selling, emotional landing page;
  • Use spectacular, original photographs;
  • Introduce a catalog with horses for sale;
  • Orient visitors to the cost of horses;
  • Set up your site for SEO.

02. Project technical task

Technical task for the Spanish Horse Sales Project

A technical task was created in the form of an interactive sketch prototype of a future landing page with a selling structure.

For this we applied such blocks:

  • On the first screen - a spectacular slider with the effect of Ken Berns and the main offer of the site with the application form;
  • Blocks of services and a photo gallery of the equestrian center in Spain;
  • The block of advantages of working with the company and the average cost of buying a horse with delivery to the customer;
  • Catalog of horses of the Spanish breeds for sale;
  • Block video dressage thoroughbred horse on the farm;
  • Reviews of the happy owners of Spanish horses.

03. Landing Development

Development of a landing project for the sale of Spanish horses

Together with the customer, they approved the layout of the landing design with elements of the Spanish style. The main task of the landing is to create positive emotions for the target audience, with the desire to receive an offer about a beautiful and trained Spanish horse. For this we applied:

  • Black and white format of original photos;
  • Spanish Landing Design Elements;
  • Nice animations in blocks;
  • Convenient mobile version of the landing page;
  • Real reviews and photos of company clients with horses.

04. Problems

Having problems selling a Spanish horse project

After some time, the landing and the paid advertising organized by us, it turned out that the customer has a target audience living in Europe. This audience is unlikely to respond to a Russian-language website and advertising. Therefore, it was necessary to find a solution to this problem, which would include:

  • Attracting the English and German-speaking segment of the target audience to the landing;
  • Confidence in the company from European visitors;
  • Clear landing page ads for Europeans.

05. Our solutions

Our solutions to the problems of the project for the sale of Spanish horses

We proposed to the customer, approved and implemented an action plan to solve the problem of retaining the right segment of the target audience. This plan included:

  • Acquisition of a separate international domain of the same name;
  • Creating a copy of the landing page with some changes, only in English and German;
  • Using on the site only European contacts for communication;
  • Addition of English-language ad groups in an advertising campaign.

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