Good time of the day!
Find out with us the news of Quazom projects in October 2020.
Let’s start!
The Mobile App Development Team
Bank and discount card app
We developed 3 design concepts to select from and approved one general concept with the client.
We developed a light theme design for all screens of the mobile app.
Preparatory work for the start of the project and the development of the basic architecture of the application.
Passenger carrier mobile app
100% completed and approved the terms of reference for the development. We continue to support communication between the client and the EBRD for the allocation of a grant for the project.
App updates, such as:
- discounts on fuel for drivers;
- improvement of the order requirements system;
- optimization of authorization for clients;
- supplementing the order card with car classes;
- modules for corporate clients development.
Applications specifications:
Conducted a poker evaluation of the SoW by the development team of the Sugaris project. We sent a commercial proposal to the customer.
We have completed 50% of the terms of reference of the project related to cargo transportation, described several basic modules and transportation rates.
60% of the description of the Work Specification of the mobile app functionality of and the administrative part of the Exchange of Personal Services project is ready. At the request of the client, we increased the number of functionality, and also added a card payment system.
Website Development Team
Big Ben
We have 100% completed Stage 1 of the web application for the English and mathematics online school.
We handed over to the client a website with test rooms for teachers, students, and an administrator for filling and testing courses.
The development of Phase 2 and 3 modules related to scheduling, language level checking, and payment system integration started.
Other projects
Conducting and monthly monitoring of contextual advertising for our client in Mariupol, the "Bonus" real estate agency, the sessions of the interaction of potential buyers increased by 1.5 times.
We continue regular technical support, updating the content of the website of the "Ecotex" Mykolaiv Factory of Mattresses and Products from flax manufacturer.
Marketing team
Conducting contextual advertising for mobile development and SoW services for our sales department. In October, the number of leads decreased by 23%, compared to the previous month. The warm audience of the leads received was 67%. The lead generation conversion rate decreased by 17% in October.
Refined 5 marketing landing pages for social media targeting. We updated our Quazom profiles on Facebook, Instagram, and Linkedin, launched a posting, increased the number of subscribers by 20%. We launched targeted advertising and got the first leads to work.
We also share the profiles with you.
Prepared 13 initial assessments for requests for the creation of work specifications, mobile apps development, and websites using our calculator for projects calculation
Sales and communications team
In October, we presented our services in Skype/Zoom for 48% of the lead generation "warm" audience. We conducted an evaluation for 50% of potential customers and commercial proposals were sent to them. We continued to improve the qualifications of sales managers in various training sessions.
We signed an agreement to develop a project for the mobile app.
We are confidently looking into the winter with a portfolio of some new projects development.
But we are open to your projects too!